Monday, October 29, 2012

Vietnam The Learning

Ok so crossing the road in Saigon (Ho Chi Min City, whatever you prefer to call it) is an issue. There are Tourist Police that are there to help you, which we were lucky enough to find on the first day as we were overwhelmed when we came to a road that was ,insanely busy. There are not many crossings & if you happen to find a Zebra Crossing, don't be fooled into believing this is a safe place to cross because believe me IT IS NOT..!!
The trick to crossing the road is this...... Just step out off the curb & keep walking, believe it or not the traffic will just go around you, it's that simple! (absolutely terrifying the first time). If you have any doubts & cannot find the Tourist Police, (they are dressed in green but he way) just find a 'local' & cross with them! We are pro's at it now & believe that crossing the road in Saigon is uniquely & totally safe once you have learnt how!

Mad traffic...!!!
Food is cheap if you choose not to eat in the hotels & eat where the locals do. I could feed my family of four (or three & a half..!) for $11 Australian dollars, drinks included! You can buy a can of beer at the corner store for less than one Aussie dollar - how good is that?!!

Just about all Vietnamese know english, they learn it at school, but they can read & write it better than they can speak it, and will hand you a pen & paper if the language barrier gets difficult!
Two things you should know about our language differences. Firstly 'Yum' in Vietnamese means I want to 'take you to bed' RIGHT NOW (if you get my drift) When we visited a sweet factory I had the packing ladies giggling as we tasted the sweets & I showed my appreciation "Hmmm Yummm" we were all amused by my faux pas...!!!
Secondly please don't cross your fingers in public. It may mean good luck to us, but in Vietnam it means 'Lady Bits down below'...!!!

Yet another photo for our little Celebrity 
The Vietnamese don't like their skin to be dark, they cover themselves from head to toe as fair or white skin is attractive to them. Unlike us who will risk our health &  wrinkles for the sake of a tan, oh how I wish we thought fair skin was attractive!

Celebrity Charlie even made it into a wedding photo!
 As mentioned we took Little Miss Charlie only two & a half with us. Now this is a 'need to know'  if you are traveling with your white european young-in's...... Vietnamese LOVE children, particularly fair skinned children.  Charlie got almost celebrity status the moment she stepped off the plane.! It was very hard to shop with her around. We got stopped constantly, they just wanted to touch her, smell her, kiss her & photograph her, which all seems a bit weird now I'm writing about it, but it was perfectly acceptable at the time & Charlie was totally safe.  In fact if you are thinking of traveling to Vietnam with small children I would suggest that you use a harness to keep them close to you (we never use one at home),  otherwise our experience was one of total safety. Charlie even received the odd gift from admirers! 

In Vietnam we found the people sooooo friendly. they truly are beyond beautiful......

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Vietnam The Getting there.....

Pond & Garden inside Singapore
Playground is always a good option

Wanting for my Mums passing to be marked with something special, the girls & I decided to book ourselves a holiday in Vietnam......

I decided to be prepared as I was taking my first-time traveler daughters & my 2year old granddaughter, I didn't want to leave too much to chance so I organised as much as I possibly could before leaving, including travel visas which are required for Vietnam,  all accommodation, some tours & all transfers. I opted to fly at night so that Granddaughter Charlie Rose would hopefully sleep through the journey. 

After 7 hours in the air we changed planes for our connecting flight at the Singapore airport. For  those of you who have never been there Singapore airport is huge! You have to get an air train to get you from one terminal to another, however it is easy to navigate around. 
I had to laugh because when we landed & told Charlie we were in Singapore, she starting singing in the terminal...... "Singing Paw, Singing Paw...!!!" 
Stop over in 'Singing Paw' really not a problem!

It's just under a two hour flight from Singapore to Ho Chi Min. (or Saigon as he locals seem to prefer to call it)  
Getting through Saigon airport is easy, you don't even have to fill out an arrival card!  As expected Buffalo Tours were waiting for us to take us to our hotel. We have used Buffalo Tours once before & cannot fault them. 

We were lucky with the weather as they had a typhoon just finish the day before our arrival. 

Time to get settled & let the exploring begin...... Translated - lets go find shoes & handbags......!!!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Melbourne - what the hell is everyone going on about?

Graffiti, Graffiti Everywhere.....
Since arriving in Australia 4 years ago, everyone has kept saying to us, we must go to Melbourne, we will love it for the art, design & culture. So flights & hotel booked, off we go to see what all the hype is about.

Ok so we all know that I don't like the cold - strike one against Melbourne - Melbourne can yet really cold. However, I did take advantage of the opportunity to wear my designer coat that I purchased while in New Zealand.
Marty was well prepared for me to shop, bringing an extra large suitcase for me to shop up a storm.......
Well, it didn't happen???

 Melbourne has many quirky shops & boutiques, and I thoroughly enjoyed wandering in & out of them, Brunswick Street was my favorite with its boutique bars, cafes & shops. The disappointment is that Melbourne is soooooo excessively overpriced, so much so we thought it a joke!!!
First day out shopping & all I came home with was a disco dishbrush.....!!!???

Quant little houses like this all over Melbourne begging to
be renovated, would love to get my hands on one of these!
Marty & I found the city a little too spread out & not so easy to navigate your way around. Melbourne has a Tram system to  help you travel the city, but it is not very user friendly. But thankfully the cabbies are! Every Taxi we traveled in had the most competent drivers we have come across so far, they were honest, friendly, helpful, informative, & cheap. It was just like having your own personal tour guide!

Food in Melbourne is really good & thanks to some friends who gave us great advice on where to go we found some lovely places for a drink, a bite to eat & a bit of Music.  But I  have to say the best night out was at the Elephant & Wheelbarrow  where we danced & sang all night...... Can't beat a good Irish Pub for an entertaining night out!

Inside the Vault at St Kilda
So after 3 days I am still wondering what all the hype is about...... Then at the St Kilda Markets I learnt a secret while having feathers put in my hair.......Apparently Melbourne is not what it used to be, & many of the designers have headed north to warm sunny Brisbane, ahhhh that makes sense, no wonder I love Brisbane so much?! 

Not wanting to fail as a shopper, Marty & I headed back to Brunswick Street on the last day to redeem my image as one hell of a shopper, & succeeded. Leaving with one very awesome coat, one very cool vest & a necklace with massive chunky beads.......reputation still in tact, we are now ready to head back to home to Brisbane...... (still didn't get to fill the suitcase though, but have certainly made up for it since getting back...!!!)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Not Sorry To Be Leaving Nelson Bay.......

Marty fishing down at Duties
Marty & I had a lovely spot near the water at Duchies Beach, but I was 'not' sad to be packing up the station wagon & heading north again, back to Brisbane, back to our 2 girls & our darling Granddaughter.
Who the hell moves in with their kids.....? Answer -  We do...!!!

Nelson Bay has a lot to offer for a holiday, but not to live. It's a  'cliquey' seaside town where for the most part the people think they are a little bit better than everyone else, purely because they live in the beautiful bay?! The Country Club, which is nothing like a country club is pretty damn good for a FUN night out if you like a live band. Marty thought the fishing was pretty good & I even started to fish myself, amazing what you resort to when there's nothing better to do!!!??

Newcastle is the nearest main centre & unfortunately again I was not very impressed. I would rather walk the main street at 4 o'clock in the morning in Brisbane than walk Hunter Street at 4 o'clock in the afternoon  in Newcastle. I don't think I have ever seen so many mentally touched people in one city in all my life?! The city centre is dead with many closed shops & it's dirty.

Like anywhere Newcastle has its pockets of Awesomeness & I did meet some great people in the short time I was there.  They have some lovely beaches & fabulous places to eat. Plus The Junction is well worth a look for quaint cafes, bars & shops. They do have two good size shopping malls also worth a visit.
Newcastle has location on its side, with Port Stephens, the Hunter Valley & Sydney all within reasonable driving distance.......

Farewell NSW. Looks like this Kiwi girl has taken on the title 'Queenslander'-  & LOVING IT...!!!

Monday, September 3, 2012

I have to go back to New Zealand.......

I was not sure if I was going to publish this blog......but I decided there was too much good stuff to tell you about......

We all have those moments in our life that you are never prepared for,  and April was one of those months for me.......The phone call none of us want,  I didn't recognize the incoming number on my cellphone.......
"Is this Lianne"?
 "Lianne have the Police not got hold of you"? 
"Oh"......split seconds of silence followed, my brain raced & surprisingly I intuitively  knew what was coming next. "Lianne your Mum has passed away"..........

After a few days of shock & confusion, my flight booked, I was heading back to the mighty Waikato in NZ. I swore I would would never go back home in the winter because I really don't like the cold. 
Well I have to say what a beautiful time of year to visit, the trees were still losing their leaves & were brilliant shades of orange, yellow & red. The morning air was crisp, but the days were beautiful & sunny. First morning I woke up to a frost, I had not seen a frost in 4 years! And when I complained about the mist & fog, my friend reminded me that this is the weather that has inspired poets, & now I see it as beautiful too!

Raglan Surf
I was thrilled to be seeing my home country in the eyes of a tourist. NZ has such beauty that I took very much for granted before. How pleased my dear Mum would have been with this change in attitude from me!
Oh & I have to tell you about the people,  I see & feel what everybody goes on about, Kiwis are soooooo damn friendly! I am still blown away by how nice my country people are?!!!

"Sweet as bro" was the catch phrase!

I returned home to OZ after 6 weeks with many childhood treasures from my homeland What an honour to be the one to plan the farewell & celebration of my Mothers life, who never left the soil of the land she loved & was so proud of....... 

Sleep peacefully Mum & thanks for showing me how beautiful New Zealand is in the winter.......
To my Family & friends, no words can express the gratitude I have for all your love & ongoing support, I am one lucky lady, & I thank you from the very bottom of my heart.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Sydney Easter Fun

I have to say my Marty really knows how to show a girl a good time.....

Bar/cafe at the Park Street Hotel
Easter Friday morning Marty rolls over & says "do you want to go to the Easter Show in Sydney?" 
Me: "really???" 
Marty: "Or do you want stay here in Nelson Bay?" (which we are bored with now!!!) So I packed while Marty jumped on the Internet to organize accommodation - we must be mad...!!!  

After a two and a half hour drive we arrive in Central Sydney. They have some lovely boutique hotels,  Marty booked us into one on Park Street of the same name, we just loved it there, awesome atmosphere & the staff have to be some of the best in the business, if it is a bit of light hearted fun you are looking for?

Can you believe they used Chargers as Police Cars?
The Sydney Easter Show is certainly bigger than any I have been to before, we were there for hours. I enjoyed the Fashion Exhibition Hall & of course the animals, then Marty & I found a live band called 'Remote Control Freak' so we grabbed some food & settled in to be entertained.
Playing in Sydney is always fun, I particularly like it down at 'The Rocks'. The shopping is good & they have a little market by the The Orient Hotel. Now The Orient Hotel must be good as we went there two nights in a row??!!! 

Aussie ram with his manhood hitting the floor...!!!
We also diced with death visiting Kings Cross, what a 'Pit Hole' & yip somebody got shot the night we were there...?!!!! 

The day we were to leave was a fantastic sunny day for a drive, so Marty & I decided to take the long way home meandering up the Central Coast. Five & a half hours later we dragged our bodies up the steps of our temporary sea side home, exhausted from our long weekend playing in Sydney ...... 
Ahhhh, life is good ;-)

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Sydney Festival

Aboriginal Ceremony

A decision made late on a Friday night had Marty & I on the train to Sydney Saturday morning. It is a long trip from our home in Nelson Bay to Sydney. It takes just under an hour to drive to the Newcastle train station & then it's a 3 hour ride on the train. By the time we reached The Domain in Sydney it was after lunch, so our first port of call was to find food.
Having fed our faces we wandered around checking out the huge mixture of talented performers (we even stumbled on a wedding), until we found the main stage. As we had arrived well before the concert was due to start we were able to get a good spot close to the main stage.
The concert was opened with an Aboriginal welcome to the country ceremony..... I just love all that cultural stuff.

And then the blind, enigmatic, indigenous musician, Gurrumul Yunupingu -- who hails from ElkIsland off northern Australia and who has just performed for Barack Obama and Queen Elizabeth II was lead on to the stage.  Gurrumul's songs are a hybrid of indigenous tongue, birdsong and English.

Young Aussie singer songwriter Megan Washington then performed tracks from"I Believe You Liar" (2010) and "Insomnia" (2011). She wontwo 2010 ARIAMusic Awards, Best Female Artist and Breakthrough Artist, and received afurther three nominations: Album of the Year, Best Adult Alternative Album for I Believe You Liar and Single of the Year ("How to Tame Lions").

Then there was a short break while we waited for the headline act to play. Nobody seemed to have heard of them before...!!!?....... Manu Chao La Ventura – a globe trotting,Spanish artist who sang a broad, multicultural blend of rock and reggae, sungin Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian and English, and they really got the crowd going.

So that was the first night of the January 3 week Sydney Festival that almost rivals New Year's Eve!

Somewhere to hang ya kids...!!!
 We left justbefore the last act (Manu Chao) finished avoiding the crowds, and had a midnight feed of KFC at my request and then headed to the train station.

Well we had just missed a train (which of course was my fault because I wanted KFC!!!) and it was a 2 hour wait before the next one would leave. As the train was already in we got on board and slept. I have to say there are some ‘dodgy’ people on the train at that hour of the morning!
So 3 hours on the train and another hour in the car, it was 6am by the time we finally got home to the comfort of a bed, but it was all soooo worth it – would we do it again -          HELL YES!!!


Saturday, March 17, 2012

First Visit back to Brissy - Gotta do this more often?!!!

My work buddies, Engaged Birthday Girl, 2nd from the left

I really didn't want to leave after this visit & I truly believe that if it wasn't for the fact that I was going back to be with my Marty I probably would have stayed......

My  flight to Brisbane was delayed 45 minutes while they changed our planes Tyre. When we finally got to taxi out a little boy somewhere up in front of us turns to his Father & says" Daddy, what happens if we die" I did not get to hear Dads reply as the whole plane was laughing a nervous light hearted laugh....!!!
We had a turbulent flight & a rough landing.  I think the passengers were all nervous due to the tyre change & everybody on board gasped as we bounced on the runway. I was just happy to be back in Queensland.....

I got picked up from the Brisbane airport by two of my old work buddy's,  I was just delighted to see them. We were off to celebrate a work mates engagement, along her & her partners birthdays.
It was not long before we had reached our destination & were settled in with food & wine in hand. There were some familiar faces so the conversation flowed freely.
Leaving early in the afternoon we drove back to my friends apartment for more food & wine out on the deck in the warm summer air,  before heading into the city in the evening to have dinner & yes of course more wine....!!! I swear I returned to my Marty a couple of kilos heavier!

Aunty EJ in the pool in her Pixie dress with Charlie

After dinner we caught up with more work mates for a couple of drinks at an old haunt 'The Beer House'. I love Brisbane, it is such a friendly, fun, clean city. It was just  like old times & I loved it.

Sunday morning my friend & I headed out for my favourite meal of the day 'Breakfast'. Not sure what was going on at the restaurant but there was a table of retired ladies all wearing purple dresses & big bright red hats, we watched them arrive one by one, they both fascinated & entertained while we ate our meal.

Once finished, I was dropped off to my daughters home to celebrate my Granddaughter Charlie's 2nd birthday. I was just delighted when she came running out with her 
My little Birthday Princess
arms outstretched yelling "Nanaaaaaaa"........  I scooped her up & smothered her in Nana kisses.......
Charlie's little friends all started to arrive early afternoon, she got so many pressies, my daughter EJ is an awesome Aunty for organizing the party, & one of Charlie's teachers made a 'Barbie cake' for her.
Welcome to the terrible twos.......
Naaaa retract that, you can't be a terrible 2 year old when you are sooooo perfect...!!!

It was a very tired Nana that reluctantly got on the plane back to Nelson Bay...!!!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Christmas 2011 at Nelson Bay NSW

The Whale the greets you arriving.....
Large Sand Dunes
How excited was I for Christmas this year?
Jo, EJ & my granddaughter Charlie flew to Nelson Bay for Christmas Eve & Christmas Day.

My Dad & his wife celebrated 25 years of marriage this year, quite at feat & worth a mention......they  came to visit Christmas eve in the morning & 'Charlie' got to meet 'Charlie' & I got a photo of them both together which I was fairly stoked about!

Christmas morning I was in the bathroom brushing my hair when Charlie came to the door , looking up at me  she says.....
"Nanaaaa, inge". " I look down at her, " what are you trying to tell me?"
 " Inge".... "what's that Charlie" (I'm still not getting it?!!!)
 "Nanaaaaa, shut up...! Inge, inge" she says sternly pointing to her forehead.
"Ahhhhhh, FRINGE" I finally get it....!!! Charlie's Mum Jo, (a hairdresser) had cut Charlie a Fringe - 'just like Nana'!!!

What a pleasure it was to see Charlie's little face as she opened her presents.

 She got soooooo frigin spoilt & it was all sooooo worth it. Funny thing when are shopping for Christmas it just didn't seem like that much when i was buying??!!!!!!!!!

My daughter EJ was exhausted & slept a lot of the time, so Marty & I took Jo & Charlie sightseeing to the largest sand dunes in the southern hemisphere & we explored the many playgrounds that the Port Stephens area has to offer. EJ joined us later in the day.
All for Meeeeeee!!!!!!

Christmas day we took Charlie to the beach where she enjoyed making sand castles & Aunty EJ braved the cold water & took Charlie for a swim.

Two days went by way too fast. As expected the girl’s luggage was overweight going back to Brissy, thanks Jetstar for your Christmas spirit & over looking it!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

First Visit back to Brisvegas Nov 2011

The one thing that has surprised me along our journey is that you don’t have to know some people for long to have a real connection with them & I am forever grateful for social networking & e-mail.

Catching up with old friends
So using social networking a catch up was        organised for my first visit back after moving to Nelson Bay.  I was counting down the sleeps till I was on a plane back to Brisbane......
I enjoyed my visit back so much, going to my favourite shops, particularly Dogstar. Staying at both my daughter’s home with my Granddaughter & their flatmates was kind of special.... The kids, their flatmate & friends all came into my room one by one, sometimes in pairs for a chat. The conversations were really interesting & also informative..... My Granddaughter & I really enjoyed our time together.  My youngest daughter had just turned 21; it was so nice to be able to give her presents in person Being there was frigin AWESOME ;-)" Thanks to you all for having me.
Before the concert
I also got to attend Charlie’s Childcare Christmas Party. Aunty works at the Childcare Centre that Charlie attends so I it was a double whammy for me getting to watch them both perform.  Once Charlie’s class had finished performing, Charlie continued to entertain us by being very cute dancing in the alley between the chairs.
Coming home Airport security found a pocket knife that I had lost weeks ago..... Now lost forever damn it...!!!
I was even offered a job back in Brisbane while I was there...... believe me I was very tempted.......