Saturday, March 17, 2012

First Visit back to Brissy - Gotta do this more often?!!!

My work buddies, Engaged Birthday Girl, 2nd from the left

I really didn't want to leave after this visit & I truly believe that if it wasn't for the fact that I was going back to be with my Marty I probably would have stayed......

My  flight to Brisbane was delayed 45 minutes while they changed our planes Tyre. When we finally got to taxi out a little boy somewhere up in front of us turns to his Father & says" Daddy, what happens if we die" I did not get to hear Dads reply as the whole plane was laughing a nervous light hearted laugh....!!!
We had a turbulent flight & a rough landing.  I think the passengers were all nervous due to the tyre change & everybody on board gasped as we bounced on the runway. I was just happy to be back in Queensland.....

I got picked up from the Brisbane airport by two of my old work buddy's,  I was just delighted to see them. We were off to celebrate a work mates engagement, along her & her partners birthdays.
It was not long before we had reached our destination & were settled in with food & wine in hand. There were some familiar faces so the conversation flowed freely.
Leaving early in the afternoon we drove back to my friends apartment for more food & wine out on the deck in the warm summer air,  before heading into the city in the evening to have dinner & yes of course more wine....!!! I swear I returned to my Marty a couple of kilos heavier!

Aunty EJ in the pool in her Pixie dress with Charlie

After dinner we caught up with more work mates for a couple of drinks at an old haunt 'The Beer House'. I love Brisbane, it is such a friendly, fun, clean city. It was just  like old times & I loved it.

Sunday morning my friend & I headed out for my favourite meal of the day 'Breakfast'. Not sure what was going on at the restaurant but there was a table of retired ladies all wearing purple dresses & big bright red hats, we watched them arrive one by one, they both fascinated & entertained while we ate our meal.

Once finished, I was dropped off to my daughters home to celebrate my Granddaughter Charlie's 2nd birthday. I was just delighted when she came running out with her 
My little Birthday Princess
arms outstretched yelling "Nanaaaaaaa"........  I scooped her up & smothered her in Nana kisses.......
Charlie's little friends all started to arrive early afternoon, she got so many pressies, my daughter EJ is an awesome Aunty for organizing the party, & one of Charlie's teachers made a 'Barbie cake' for her.
Welcome to the terrible twos.......
Naaaa retract that, you can't be a terrible 2 year old when you are sooooo perfect...!!!

It was a very tired Nana that reluctantly got on the plane back to Nelson Bay...!!!

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