Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Not Sorry To Be Leaving Nelson Bay.......

Marty fishing down at Duties
Marty & I had a lovely spot near the water at Duchies Beach, but I was 'not' sad to be packing up the station wagon & heading north again, back to Brisbane, back to our 2 girls & our darling Granddaughter.
Who the hell moves in with their kids.....? Answer -  We do...!!!

Nelson Bay has a lot to offer for a holiday, but not to live. It's a  'cliquey' seaside town where for the most part the people think they are a little bit better than everyone else, purely because they live in the beautiful bay?! The Country Club, which is nothing like a country club is pretty damn good for a FUN night out if you like a live band. Marty thought the fishing was pretty good & I even started to fish myself, amazing what you resort to when there's nothing better to do!!!??

Newcastle is the nearest main centre & unfortunately again I was not very impressed. I would rather walk the main street at 4 o'clock in the morning in Brisbane than walk Hunter Street at 4 o'clock in the afternoon  in Newcastle. I don't think I have ever seen so many mentally touched people in one city in all my life?! The city centre is dead with many closed shops & it's dirty.

Like anywhere Newcastle has its pockets of Awesomeness & I did meet some great people in the short time I was there.  They have some lovely beaches & fabulous places to eat. Plus The Junction is well worth a look for quaint cafes, bars & shops. They do have two good size shopping malls also worth a visit.
Newcastle has location on its side, with Port Stephens, the Hunter Valley & Sydney all within reasonable driving distance.......

Farewell NSW. Looks like this Kiwi girl has taken on the title 'Queenslander'-  & LOVING IT...!!!


  1. glad u came.sorry to see u leave.happy your back with your 3 girls xxxxx

  2. Clearly comment left by one of those great people I mentioned. The best thing about staying in any place even for a short time is always the people you meet. Thank goodness for social media & e-mail ;-)
