Monday, January 31, 2011

Sydney Weekend FUN...!

Sydney Showboat

Yes we are on a boat...!!!

Sun going down on the Sydney Harbour

The Basement

Marty is home & we are off to Sydney to shop & play....... Friday night the Sydney Showboat...... yum yum yum the food is to die for, show very average but the view on the harbour – fringin’ awesome.

Saturday, first stop Paddy’s Market of course, then a wander around the city before getting ready to head to ‘The Basement’ to listen to a tribute to John Lennon. And we sing..... and sing, and sing some more......hehehe lalalalala Cheers....!!!

The next morning I woke up & wondered what the hell had happened to me – BED BUGS.....!!! OMG I looked like a ‘leper’. Good ol’ Marty bless him, raced off to the Pharmacy to get me an antihistamine & some cream....... & booked us into a fancy hotel on the way back. Ahhh now this is the life.....

The next day we caught up with my Dad & Sheilia. Sheilia & I walked around the markets at The Rocks (I found the coolest raincoat). Then joined them for lunch & quiet drink or two!

Now this should be – but is not the end of the story...... Back home a few days later I get a call from my Dad “Hope you don’t mind mate but a radio station is going to call you about your Bed Bugs..... They reckon that there are NO bed bugs in Sydney & I told them there is; did you not say you were bitten by bed bugs?” So an hour or so later I get the call from the radio station & confirm on Sydney radio that I was bitten by bed bugs while staying in Sydney....... Hmmm, only my Dad....!

Sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite...!!!

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