Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Charlie's 1st Christmas 2010

All the way from New Zealand it's a Buzzy Beeeeeeee

So this is what Nana was so excited about - it's PINK, makes clip clop noises & neigh's

Hmmmm a new toy box for my MANY toys & it's Princess Charlie to you...!

Hehehe Pressies & what do you mean you can still see the price....?!!!

I was pretty excited for Christmas this year having my Granddaughter to spoil.

Of course being nearly one we expected she would be more interested in the paper & the boxes, but she is a smart girl & worked out that the things inside were the best, you just needed an experienced adult for unwrapping...!!!

Once again this year my daughters impressed me with their thoughtful gifts & as per normal Marty spoilt us all. I on the other hand I got Marty a Skydive, to which he asked if his insurance was up to date! Watch this space.........

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