Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Bali is frigin’ Awesome Part 2: Food & 'Poo' Coffee!

Curry served in a coconut & yummy Flying Fish

Outside Bubba Gumps & drinking Bintang

Drinking 'Poo' Coffee' & the animal that did it...!!!

The food was divine. If I were to live in Bali I would be a FAT lady. Curry served in a coconut, Yummy Chinese Duck Noodle, & mmm-mmmm the seafood. Pine –a-colada, not Pina colada is made with, yes pineapple & comes served in a pineapple with a hole cut for the straw...! Food & cocktails’ are so cheap & I drank freshly squeezed pineapple juice EVERYDAY!

We also ate at ‘Bubba Gumps’ (You know from the movie Forrest Gump) and before you ask, yes they sell shrimp! They have an awesome system at Bubba Gump’s with number plates on the table, one says ‘Run Forrest Run’, & then you flip it over when you want a waiter, to..... ‘Stop Forrest Stop’. They yell it across the room to each other “Stop Forrest Stop” “Stop Forrest Stop’’ & a waiter arrives at your table. If you order a cocktail they will sing & dance for you... soooo much FUN. We ate there a couple of times.

We also drank 'Poo' Coffee or Luwak Coffee by its real name. The "Luwak Scat" is the indigenous animal who plays an "active" role in the harvesting of the raw coffee cherries. The Luwak feasts on ripe, red coffee cherries seeking out the sweet taste of the cherry itself. Once the Luwak eats the cherry, the parchment covered coffee beans are passed out of the Luwak, with the parchment cover still protecting the green coffee beans. In other words it eats the cheery & shits out the coffee bean. It is then gathered up & the parchment shell is removed.

A rare, exotic & expensive ‘Poo’ coffee like no other!!!

1 comment:

  1. it all sounds very nice and unusable one day we might make it over there. love Glad
