Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Cyclone Yasi arriving as we leave for Bali.

As we are departing Brisbane yet another natural disaster is approaching Queensland. Cyclone Yasi is about to bear down on the North Queensland Coast and overnight had been upgraded to a category 5. Cairns is being evacuated. Sitting at the Airport we watch the dark Hercules Plane’s landing bringing in Cairns hospital patients – a reality of the monster that Mother Nature is about to unleash.

We made good time flying to Bali arriving in only five & half hours, some of the passengers reckoned that Yasi was pushing us along.

We watched the news once in our hotel in Bali to learn that Cairns had been spared the worst & that Yasi had hit some of the smaller town’s south of Cairns. The devastation was catastrophic.

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