Thursday, January 8, 2009

Springbrook NSW

We crossed the border to NSW to venture into another rain forest. Visiting the Purling Brook Falls along the way……a real tourist attraction so we discovered. Although you feel like you are out in the ‘boonies’, you are actually only a 30 minute drive from Surfers Paradise. The road is narrow & winding & there are stretches of road 180 meters long that are one way only, along with other one way bridges.
We drove up steep & high to the ‘Best of All Look Out’ (Yes that is what the lookout is called!!!) The wind had a chill factor that reminded me of home. In fact a lot reminded me of home. It is so lush & green! I had to walk fast to keep warm, past trees that were 2000 years old, only stopping briefly for a quick photo & moving right along to keep the blood circulating!!! At the top you could see for miles & miles, absolutely breathtaking. However, we didn’t stay long as yes I was cold, so off I headed back down the mountain at speed to where mother earth is nice & warm!!
Photo’s.….Spot the lizard in the wild & the photo with Surfers Paradise in the distance! Tree Trunk is the 2000 year old tree & check out Marty’s silly pose at the ‘Best of All Look Out’?

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