Saturday, January 3, 2009

'HAPPY NEW YEAR' to everyone

New Years was celebrated at our new favorite bar, The Beer Garden. They have a great live band & yet again we danced the night away.
We went for a walk on the beach after the band had finished (I’m still finding sand in the apartment, I would of hated to see the state of the taxi we caught home!), & we talked shit to God knows who??? There were still people everywhere……. Just like The Mount at home in extreme!!
We had a feed in the wee small hours of the morning. A Kebab was our first meal for 2009!
Then it was off to pick up Jo from work accompanied by a couple of her ex-boyfriends that we had caught up with along the way!!! (So cool that we are all friends).
By the time we got a cab home the sun was well & truly up; I think it was about 6am!!!
So the rest of the day was spent sleeping & recovering, which was fine as it was hot & muggy as hell.
Welcome to 2009 in OZ……..

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