Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Boats, Fishing & Sunburn

Captain Marty...!!!
It's only taken 10 years but Marty has finally got me baiting my own line!

We got up early on the Sunday & headed down to the Nelson Bay Marina for breakfast. 
Taking a stroll after eating we thought we would check out the prices on boat hire & as they were so reasonable we decided that it was a great way to spend the rest of our Sunday

I found my sealegs which pleased me as I don't usually go to well on the water.  We find what we think is good spot to fish, I throw out the anchor & then.............
Curse  those Sydney idiots that can't read signs & think our boat is some kind of turning marker!! I really get why boaties dislike jetski's so much now; plus two boats go speeding past either side of us. & we get bumped around by the 'Wash' in both directions, So much for a peaceful day out in the boat fishing...!!!

At the end of our 4 hours we have caught everything obnoxious in the sea including 3 sharks, a Red Cod & a Moray eel...!!!
I also caught red lobster syndrome & spent the next week itching peeling....!!!
But as you can tell from the smile on Captain Marty's face, it was an awesome way to spend a Sunday ;o)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Ferry Ride to Tea Gardens

About to get on the ferry heading to Tea Gardens
Lovely Day, now to spot the dolphin's
I miss the ferries in Brisbane so it was a pleasing idea to me to catch the ferry over to Tea Gardens for the day..... The ferry was soooooo damn slowwwww that I think we could have swum there faster! Anyway, it was a lovely trip over &   we even got to see dolphins.
As you come into Tea Gardens the ferry passes under the Tea Gardens - Hawks Nest Bridge, also known as the Singing Bridge. It crosses the Myall River connecting the townships of Tea Gardens and Hawks Nest. The Bridge got its name from the musical sounds the railings make during a strong south-westerly wind causing the bridge to act as a wind harp & apparently it can be very loud!!!
We had timed it right to visit Tea Gardens as there was a market day happening. They had a couple of stages, one with dancers & then a ukulele club had their turn. On the other stage was a band that is normally resident at the local pub. And a bit farther down they had wood chopping competitions for our entertainment.
Marty helped me find a couple of treasures to keep, & then we had a lovely lunch at the local pub before heading outside & lying down on one of the big block seats by the water...... and yes believe it, we fell asleep..!!! After about an hour of snoozing in the sun we went & listened to the band & Marty got us ice-cream.
My Honey bringing me Ginger ice cream Good choice love, it was YUM...!!!

Exhausted from the sun & the day’s events we got back on the ferry to come home struggling to stay awake with the drone of the engine humming us to sleep.......

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Helloooo Nelson Bay

Nelson Bay Marina

Beach 3 minute walk from our home
Nelson Bay in NSW is approximately a two & half hour drive north of Sydney, it reminds me a little of the Bay of Islands back in New Zealand...!!! Our new home is a 1960’s dwelling, very reminiscent of some of the Beach Bach’s in small sea side towns in NZ and for the most part comfortable, plus we have the bonus of being able to see the water.

Nelson Bay although lovely, is very quiet; some days too quiet!  However I believe my peace is about to be shattered, apparently an extra 8000 people 
flood into Nelson Bay over the
Fisherman Marty...!!
Christmas period.

It is colder here than Brisbane & we have had way too much rain for my liking - so much for riding 
the pushbike Marty got me!

Newcastle is a 40 minute drive from here & to my eye, a tired, neglected city that is suffering from a lack of financial input along with poor town planning! It has 2 malls that are worth a mention & I work in one of them, but I am not thrilled about the hour it takes me to drive to & from work.

There is not a lot to do here, Marty likes to fish & the fishing is much better here than where he used to go on the Gold Coast.   
As for me I think I am already ready for a ‘City Fix’...!!!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Charlie Rose's Christening

One last duty to do before I leave Brisbane for Nelson Bay, NSW. 

So having packed the Ute to the best of our ability Marty was ready for his 9 hour drive south to Nelson Bay. Marty had said “If it doesn’t fit in the Ute, you can’t take it”. So I packed out every last little corner before kissing him goodbye & returning to the cleaning duties of the aftermath from the weekend before. 

Once finished I was collected (along with the items that did not fit on the Ute) by the kids & I went to stay with them for the rest of week in preparation for my Granddaughters Christening.

Mum was glowing

Beautiful Aunty
My three Gorgeous girls, how proud am I   

I LOVE being a Nana!

 The Christening went off without a hitch & my 3 girls looked just stunning. It was lovely to catch up with old friends before loving & leaving everyone for a plane ride to my new home.

Farewell Brisbane

Going Off

It just so happens that the week we decide to move out of the apartment is the weekend of Riverfire – blessed with living on the riverbank, what a send off. 
So the invite went out to mates & work buddies. 

Me, my beautiful daughter & one of the first people we met in Brisbane
We celebrated the fantastic two & half years we had lived in Brisbane. And party they did, you should have seen the apartment in the morning...!!! 
The Crew
More of the Crew

What a FUN night ending in some dancing at my favourite pub Irish Murphy’s in the city. 

A big THANK YOU to my friends for the lovely earrings you gave me & yes I still have the card with all your lovely messages, I miss you!