Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Helloooo Nelson Bay

Nelson Bay Marina

Beach 3 minute walk from our home
Nelson Bay in NSW is approximately a two & half hour drive north of Sydney, it reminds me a little of the Bay of Islands back in New Zealand...!!! Our new home is a 1960’s dwelling, very reminiscent of some of the Beach Bach’s in small sea side towns in NZ and for the most part comfortable, plus we have the bonus of being able to see the water.

Nelson Bay although lovely, is very quiet; some days too quiet!  However I believe my peace is about to be shattered, apparently an extra 8000 people 
flood into Nelson Bay over the
Fisherman Marty...!!
Christmas period.

It is colder here than Brisbane & we have had way too much rain for my liking - so much for riding 
the pushbike Marty got me!

Newcastle is a 40 minute drive from here & to my eye, a tired, neglected city that is suffering from a lack of financial input along with poor town planning! It has 2 malls that are worth a mention & I work in one of them, but I am not thrilled about the hour it takes me to drive to & from work.

There is not a lot to do here, Marty likes to fish & the fishing is much better here than where he used to go on the Gold Coast.   
As for me I think I am already ready for a ‘City Fix’...!!!

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