Sunday, November 21, 2010

Arts Factory - Byron Bay

Walkway to our bed for the night & there it is...!!!

Drinks on the deck darling? & The Flying Goolie - (Awesome Art)

Who wants to chill out in a great place?

In the 70’s many hippies, local and international artist’s created the ‘Arts Factory Village’! In the 80’s it was an internationally recognized rock and roll venue.

Today you can enjoy the atmosphere, laze by the pool, swing in the hammocks or enjoy a drink at the Historic Buddha Bar. All while staying in a funky abode by the water as we did or you could try sleeping in a tepee! They also have the Byron Lounge Cinema, pick a couch & enjoy a movie! Oh & they do an excellent breakfast. You can check them out on facebook or at

After a quick look around on Friday night we stopped for a drink at the ‘Railway’, enjoyed the Band & then headed back to our abode by the water, only to be woken at 3am by.......”it’s Josh, it’s Josh, I’ve got chippies” Marty’s reply is to the point “F*@k off Man”. Then you hear it all over again only this time is next door and then the next, & the next until security catch him up.....
I love the shops at Byron & managed to spot a bargain, getting a ‘Dog Star’ (my new fav label) skirt for half price.

The Arts Factory Backpackers have a regular mini bus service into Byron so you can really enjoy the nightlife. We spent most of our next evening at the Railway Pub again. This time they had an excellent reggae band playing called Anarchist Duck & the pub was full of characters including one older guy who I swear had been taking something a little stronger that a beer or a little ‘Mary Jane’..... He was dancing his heart out..... Later in the evening at another bar & there he is again – still going strong.....?!!!

We had a lot of rain on the Saturday night, it was quiet nice to be sent to sleep listening to the sound of the rain hitting the canvas roof of our hut. Unfortunately the rain did not stop the next day so we farewelled the Arts Factory after another awesome breakfast & departed Byron Bay in the morning for the treacherous drive home.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Sunshine Coast for the weekend........

Ok I have been trying to load photo's for day's - will add more later.....

The JEEP....! Bindi's show at Australia Zoo

Gotta love this billboard.....

So, Marty arrives to collect me from work in a Hire Car, not just any hire car – A RAG TOP WRANGLAR JEEP
– how spoilt am I......?
Toooooo much damn FUN........,
so clad I am wearing my Sunglasses when driving out of the hotel the next day otherwise some tears of joy may have been recognised (Yes pathetic I know, but I was so damn HAPPY!!!)

We had a busy we
ekend, Emundie Markets Saturday morning followed by a drive (with the top down of course) to Noosa for a look around & a late lunch.
Dinner after we got back was a Chocolate Mud Cake & a Kahlua Coffee..... mmmmmm yummmm!

Sunday we were up early to visit Steve Erwin’s Australia Zoo.
Followed by a drive up the Glass House Mountains to take in the view & stopping at a cool little cafe on the way down for lunch. A quick sorting of the Jeep, peel the roof back off, turn up the music & away we go..........
Equals Bliss..........

Riverfire F-111 Dump & Burn for the (2nd) last time.....!!!

Fireworks lift off from the tops of buildings & from barge's on the river

More fireworks & the F-111 Dump & Burn streaking across the Brisbane sky.

Getting home after work was an issue...... once I had negotiated the masses of people on the stairs at Riverside I discovered that the queue for the ferry was so damn long plus 4 people wide. There was no way in hell I was going to get home before it started, so a phone call to Marty had him & our friend Elliott (who had joined us one more time before heading back to NZ) jumping in the car & doing a mercy dash before they closed off the bridges.

How lucky are we this time to be living in a prime location for viewing the fireworks?
Both Jo & EJ had missed it last year; they were both amazed as they had never seen anything like it. We thought baby Charlie may have been frightened by the noise, but she too enjoyed the pretty lights.

The F-111’s did their Dump & Burn & got the adrenaline pumping as before, what an awesome show.
We finished the night off by taking Elliott into the city for a....... shall we say ‘a send off’.......!!!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Never a Dull Moment in Brissy

A few weeks ago in the evening I am sitting at home channel surfing, ( as you do cause free to air TV really sucks over here).... & then I notice two people I recognise on Farmer Wants A Wife (episode 7 for your info)

Yip, there we were EJ & I walking down the Queen Street Mall with the contestants just behind us......Would recognise those Rose Tinted Glasses anywhere......!!!

PS: Was disappointed with the dress I was wearing & as a result it is in the throw-out pile.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Sky Walk on Tambourine……

Skywalk on Tambourine is an elevated walkway through the beautiful middle & upper canopies of the rainforest. The walkway is made of a high-tech steel structure which Marty appeared to be more interested in to begin with, questioning its construction of course, & pointing out how few bolts they have used just to make us all feel safe!!!
The walkway takes you down to the lower canopy & invites you to venture off the path to a stream & rockpools.
They have provided plaques along the way with local history & wildlife information. Then you arrived at the Cantilever, a 40 metre long span soaring 30 metres above the valley,
“Oh look says Marty there are only 2 bolts holding it at this end”!!!

Pfffft whatever……..The views are spectacular……..

This is the 2nd time Marty & I have visited Tambourine, they have some groovy, arty shops that are fun to visit not only due the fabulous things they sell but also to the ‘characters’ that run them , including a fairy shop where the staff dress up as fairies, face paint & all!!!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Marty & Lianne go play on the Gold Coast & ‘they’ ruined the Beer Garden!!!!

Easter weekend,
although I had to work some of it we managed to get away for a couple of nights. It was a great opportunity to go to the markets on the Gold Coast & pick up some treasures……..

Marty had also booked us to go & see the Mother Africa, a dance and acrobatic musical spectacular featuring 40 artists from the many different countries in Africa - Tanzania, Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan, Egypt and South America. Combining acrobatics, juggling, contortionists (that put themselves in position that are ‘just wrong’!!!), along with traditional music and dances.

A feast for the eyes of colourful costumes and African Culture. Enough audience participation to keep us amused, & Lot’s & lot’s of laughter…..

After the show we headed into the heart of surfers to check out an old stomping ground only to find out our friends were right, they have ruined the Beer Garden?!!! The band was good but they really need to kill some of the lights to create some of the old atmosphere
Still as always Marty & I had a FUN night out………

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Night Kayaking on the Brizzy River

Trust us to pick the night that earth hour is on?!!!

Elliot, my friend Julie’s brother from New Zealand who had only flown in the day before joined us for the evening………. It’s a quick tutorial, grab a paddle & up the river we go……..

So Marty thinks it’s funny to wet me using his paddle, no retaliation from me, I know better……….
A little later on he decides to kayak over by me getting a little too close, more fool him – I accidentally whack him in head with my paddle, - bahahahaha pay-back’s, bitch, thank you lady karma!!!!!

After kayaking up the river, under the Story Bridge & past all the lovely expensive boats, Riverlife put on a BBQ & beer for us. Then home for a quick change of clothes ready for a fun night in the city. Elliot sang & danced the night away with us till the band finished & the bar was closed…….
It was an Epic night out

Friday, April 2, 2010

YAY Anja came to visit……

Just happened to be the same weekend Marty & I went Stradbroke Island.

Marty & EJ went to the airport to collect our dear friend Anja, Jo & EJ were just delighted to see her & we stayed up late talking.
The next morning Marty & I got up early to attend our friends wedding on Stradbroke Island, returning home early the next day so we too could spend some time with Anja.

We headed to the fashion designer market that is held once a month at Southbank. This turned out to be an all day event as there was sooooo much to look at & we are sure Anja spoke to every stall holder, needless to say a fabulous day with some groovy items purchased……..

Late afternoon & we are finally on the ferry heading to our favorite ice-cream shop at Brett’s Wharf, hmmmm yummmmm.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A Wedding at Stradbroke Island

A 25 minute ride on the ferry & we’re on Straddy Island. Another few minute’s in what reminds me of an old school bus & then we are checking into the backpackers……. Yussss they have had a cancellation & we are upgraded to a double room & as luck would have it, its right outside the bathroom! So we dump the backpack & head off for a walk along the beach. I have to say it reminded me of home, the colour of the sand, the wind whipping sand around your ankles; the only difference is the wind is warmer!!! We walked for a long time, our timing for the bus was lousy & we just kept on walking. We found shops that over all were major disappointments?!!! (Man there is some business opportunities here) On the way back out timing for the bus was just a lousy & we walked & just kept on walking. Then we spotted a couple that was also attending the wedding at a cafĂ©. We stopped & had a drink with them & then the rain came down, with less than two hours to go till we are meant to be at a beach wedding!
We got drenched walking back. & the rain stopped after we got to the backpackers, so a quick shower & change & off we go walking again!

The rain stayed way for Greg & Megan’s ceremony on the beach, we drank wine toasted the bride & groom & listened to some of the funniest speeches ever……….

Congratulations Greg & Megan…….thanks for inviting us & giving us the Stradbroke Island experience!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Us Kiwis Celebrate Waitangi Day 06/02/10

Eumundi Market & Spacifix on stage

Cover up those Aussie label's, but cheers anyway........

We kicke
d off the morning early (EJ hate's early!!!) so we could visit the Eumundi Market’s before heading to the Sunny Coast, purchasing clothes Jewellery & ‘Candlewick Pants’ (Yes, as in the bedspread!!!)
Off then to celebrate Waitangi Day at Kawana’s Stockland Park; anyone would have thought they had stumbled across a little slice of New Zealand. Kiwi flags, tattoos, tribal dancing, and much to my delight The SPACIFIX were the main attraction.

Information for my non-Kiwi friends……The event celebrates the 1840 signing of the Treaty of Waitangi Maori people land rights and marked the coming together in friendship of Maori people and European settlers. It is such an important day in New Zealand’s history, however the Waitangi celebration is not only about the signing of the treaty but importantly the celebration of New Zealand and Pacific Island culture.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Welcome to our Granddaughter Charlie-Rose

Day one & day three - coming home

Week 3 & one month old

I am now qualified to use my ‘Nana’ trolley, have Nana naps, & anything else that involves behaving ‘like a Nana’!!!

Life has certainly been very busy since little Miss Charlie Rose decided it was her time to join us 2 months ago.
Only 3 days over cooked, & a 7 hour labour. Charlie girl made her arrival on the 19th of January at 1.42pm, weighing in at 8lb, 9oz.
A good weight considering how tiny Jo is?
I’m sure she was the most anticipated ‘Facebook baby EVER!!!!
Needless to say Jo & Charlie have been spoilt with gifts from friends & family.

Charlie & Jo have been staying with us since Jo was about 7 months pregnant.
Our family has been blessed as Charlie is a good baby, sleeps 8 hours most nights & has done since she arrived home from the hospital. Both Mum & bub’s are doing well, & the family is coping!!!