Friday, March 12, 2010

Welcome to our Granddaughter Charlie-Rose

Day one & day three - coming home

Week 3 & one month old

I am now qualified to use my ‘Nana’ trolley, have Nana naps, & anything else that involves behaving ‘like a Nana’!!!

Life has certainly been very busy since little Miss Charlie Rose decided it was her time to join us 2 months ago.
Only 3 days over cooked, & a 7 hour labour. Charlie girl made her arrival on the 19th of January at 1.42pm, weighing in at 8lb, 9oz.
A good weight considering how tiny Jo is?
I’m sure she was the most anticipated ‘Facebook baby EVER!!!!
Needless to say Jo & Charlie have been spoilt with gifts from friends & family.

Charlie & Jo have been staying with us since Jo was about 7 months pregnant.
Our family has been blessed as Charlie is a good baby, sleeps 8 hours most nights & has done since she arrived home from the hospital. Both Mum & bub’s are doing well, & the family is coping!!!

1 comment:

  1. OH what a little Blessing she is .
    So sweet Nana :)
