Monday, March 15, 2010

Us Kiwis Celebrate Waitangi Day 06/02/10

Eumundi Market & Spacifix on stage

Cover up those Aussie label's, but cheers anyway........

We kicke
d off the morning early (EJ hate's early!!!) so we could visit the Eumundi Market’s before heading to the Sunny Coast, purchasing clothes Jewellery & ‘Candlewick Pants’ (Yes, as in the bedspread!!!)
Off then to celebrate Waitangi Day at Kawana’s Stockland Park; anyone would have thought they had stumbled across a little slice of New Zealand. Kiwi flags, tattoos, tribal dancing, and much to my delight The SPACIFIX were the main attraction.

Information for my non-Kiwi friends……The event celebrates the 1840 signing of the Treaty of Waitangi Maori people land rights and marked the coming together in friendship of Maori people and European settlers. It is such an important day in New Zealand’s history, however the Waitangi celebration is not only about the signing of the treaty but importantly the celebration of New Zealand and Pacific Island culture.

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