Thursday, September 13, 2012

Melbourne - what the hell is everyone going on about?

Graffiti, Graffiti Everywhere.....
Since arriving in Australia 4 years ago, everyone has kept saying to us, we must go to Melbourne, we will love it for the art, design & culture. So flights & hotel booked, off we go to see what all the hype is about.

Ok so we all know that I don't like the cold - strike one against Melbourne - Melbourne can yet really cold. However, I did take advantage of the opportunity to wear my designer coat that I purchased while in New Zealand.
Marty was well prepared for me to shop, bringing an extra large suitcase for me to shop up a storm.......
Well, it didn't happen???

 Melbourne has many quirky shops & boutiques, and I thoroughly enjoyed wandering in & out of them, Brunswick Street was my favorite with its boutique bars, cafes & shops. The disappointment is that Melbourne is soooooo excessively overpriced, so much so we thought it a joke!!!
First day out shopping & all I came home with was a disco dishbrush.....!!!???

Quant little houses like this all over Melbourne begging to
be renovated, would love to get my hands on one of these!
Marty & I found the city a little too spread out & not so easy to navigate your way around. Melbourne has a Tram system to  help you travel the city, but it is not very user friendly. But thankfully the cabbies are! Every Taxi we traveled in had the most competent drivers we have come across so far, they were honest, friendly, helpful, informative, & cheap. It was just like having your own personal tour guide!

Food in Melbourne is really good & thanks to some friends who gave us great advice on where to go we found some lovely places for a drink, a bite to eat & a bit of Music.  But I  have to say the best night out was at the Elephant & Wheelbarrow  where we danced & sang all night...... Can't beat a good Irish Pub for an entertaining night out!

Inside the Vault at St Kilda
So after 3 days I am still wondering what all the hype is about...... Then at the St Kilda Markets I learnt a secret while having feathers put in my hair.......Apparently Melbourne is not what it used to be, & many of the designers have headed north to warm sunny Brisbane, ahhhh that makes sense, no wonder I love Brisbane so much?! 

Not wanting to fail as a shopper, Marty & I headed back to Brunswick Street on the last day to redeem my image as one hell of a shopper, & succeeded. Leaving with one very awesome coat, one very cool vest & a necklace with massive chunky beads.......reputation still in tact, we are now ready to head back to home to Brisbane...... (still didn't get to fill the suitcase though, but have certainly made up for it since getting back...!!!)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Not Sorry To Be Leaving Nelson Bay.......

Marty fishing down at Duties
Marty & I had a lovely spot near the water at Duchies Beach, but I was 'not' sad to be packing up the station wagon & heading north again, back to Brisbane, back to our 2 girls & our darling Granddaughter.
Who the hell moves in with their kids.....? Answer -  We do...!!!

Nelson Bay has a lot to offer for a holiday, but not to live. It's a  'cliquey' seaside town where for the most part the people think they are a little bit better than everyone else, purely because they live in the beautiful bay?! The Country Club, which is nothing like a country club is pretty damn good for a FUN night out if you like a live band. Marty thought the fishing was pretty good & I even started to fish myself, amazing what you resort to when there's nothing better to do!!!??

Newcastle is the nearest main centre & unfortunately again I was not very impressed. I would rather walk the main street at 4 o'clock in the morning in Brisbane than walk Hunter Street at 4 o'clock in the afternoon  in Newcastle. I don't think I have ever seen so many mentally touched people in one city in all my life?! The city centre is dead with many closed shops & it's dirty.

Like anywhere Newcastle has its pockets of Awesomeness & I did meet some great people in the short time I was there.  They have some lovely beaches & fabulous places to eat. Plus The Junction is well worth a look for quaint cafes, bars & shops. They do have two good size shopping malls also worth a visit.
Newcastle has location on its side, with Port Stephens, the Hunter Valley & Sydney all within reasonable driving distance.......

Farewell NSW. Looks like this Kiwi girl has taken on the title 'Queenslander'-  & LOVING IT...!!!

Monday, September 3, 2012

I have to go back to New Zealand.......

I was not sure if I was going to publish this blog......but I decided there was too much good stuff to tell you about......

We all have those moments in our life that you are never prepared for,  and April was one of those months for me.......The phone call none of us want,  I didn't recognize the incoming number on my cellphone.......
"Is this Lianne"?
 "Lianne have the Police not got hold of you"? 
"Oh"......split seconds of silence followed, my brain raced & surprisingly I intuitively  knew what was coming next. "Lianne your Mum has passed away"..........

After a few days of shock & confusion, my flight booked, I was heading back to the mighty Waikato in NZ. I swore I would would never go back home in the winter because I really don't like the cold. 
Well I have to say what a beautiful time of year to visit, the trees were still losing their leaves & were brilliant shades of orange, yellow & red. The morning air was crisp, but the days were beautiful & sunny. First morning I woke up to a frost, I had not seen a frost in 4 years! And when I complained about the mist & fog, my friend reminded me that this is the weather that has inspired poets, & now I see it as beautiful too!

Raglan Surf
I was thrilled to be seeing my home country in the eyes of a tourist. NZ has such beauty that I took very much for granted before. How pleased my dear Mum would have been with this change in attitude from me!
Oh & I have to tell you about the people,  I see & feel what everybody goes on about, Kiwis are soooooo damn friendly! I am still blown away by how nice my country people are?!!!

"Sweet as bro" was the catch phrase!

I returned home to OZ after 6 weeks with many childhood treasures from my homeland What an honour to be the one to plan the farewell & celebration of my Mothers life, who never left the soil of the land she loved & was so proud of....... 

Sleep peacefully Mum & thanks for showing me how beautiful New Zealand is in the winter.......
To my Family & friends, no words can express the gratitude I have for all your love & ongoing support, I am one lucky lady, & I thank you from the very bottom of my heart.