Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A Wedding at Stradbroke Island

A 25 minute ride on the ferry & we’re on Straddy Island. Another few minute’s in what reminds me of an old school bus & then we are checking into the backpackers……. Yussss they have had a cancellation & we are upgraded to a double room & as luck would have it, its right outside the bathroom! So we dump the backpack & head off for a walk along the beach. I have to say it reminded me of home, the colour of the sand, the wind whipping sand around your ankles; the only difference is the wind is warmer!!! We walked for a long time, our timing for the bus was lousy & we just kept on walking. We found shops that over all were major disappointments?!!! (Man there is some business opportunities here) On the way back out timing for the bus was just a lousy & we walked & just kept on walking. Then we spotted a couple that was also attending the wedding at a cafĂ©. We stopped & had a drink with them & then the rain came down, with less than two hours to go till we are meant to be at a beach wedding!
We got drenched walking back. & the rain stopped after we got to the backpackers, so a quick shower & change & off we go walking again!

The rain stayed way for Greg & Megan’s ceremony on the beach, we drank wine toasted the bride & groom & listened to some of the funniest speeches ever……….

Congratulations Greg & Megan…….thanks for inviting us & giving us the Stradbroke Island experience!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Us Kiwis Celebrate Waitangi Day 06/02/10

Eumundi Market & Spacifix on stage

Cover up those Aussie label's, but cheers anyway........

We kicke
d off the morning early (EJ hate's early!!!) so we could visit the Eumundi Market’s before heading to the Sunny Coast, purchasing clothes Jewellery & ‘Candlewick Pants’ (Yes, as in the bedspread!!!)
Off then to celebrate Waitangi Day at Kawana’s Stockland Park; anyone would have thought they had stumbled across a little slice of New Zealand. Kiwi flags, tattoos, tribal dancing, and much to my delight The SPACIFIX were the main attraction.

Information for my non-Kiwi friends……The event celebrates the 1840 signing of the Treaty of Waitangi Maori people land rights and marked the coming together in friendship of Maori people and European settlers. It is such an important day in New Zealand’s history, however the Waitangi celebration is not only about the signing of the treaty but importantly the celebration of New Zealand and Pacific Island culture.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Welcome to our Granddaughter Charlie-Rose

Day one & day three - coming home

Week 3 & one month old

I am now qualified to use my ‘Nana’ trolley, have Nana naps, & anything else that involves behaving ‘like a Nana’!!!

Life has certainly been very busy since little Miss Charlie Rose decided it was her time to join us 2 months ago.
Only 3 days over cooked, & a 7 hour labour. Charlie girl made her arrival on the 19th of January at 1.42pm, weighing in at 8lb, 9oz.
A good weight considering how tiny Jo is?
I’m sure she was the most anticipated ‘Facebook baby EVER!!!!
Needless to say Jo & Charlie have been spoilt with gifts from friends & family.

Charlie & Jo have been staying with us since Jo was about 7 months pregnant.
Our family has been blessed as Charlie is a good baby, sleeps 8 hours most nights & has done since she arrived home from the hospital. Both Mum & bub’s are doing well, & the family is coping!!!