Sunday, April 19, 2009

A Saturday afternoon in Brizzy City.

After a meal & a beer at O’Malley’s we went & did a spot of shopping, Marty found me the coolest black dress on sale at Myer’s, almost half price!!! Great spotting Marty………….

The City is so interesting & entertaining. There are many street performers – bah-ha-ha check out me & the Charlie Chappy!

So happens that this Saturday Allen’s Confectionery were filming an add in the city & they had a ginormous Puppet doll with eyes that moved & they had a heap of enthusiastic children jumping for lollies in a lolly scramble. Funny thing was that they had to do take after take & the lollies (not all wrapped in paper) were picked up off the ground & thrown again, & again, & again?!!!

Ferry ride home in the evening.
Brisbane in a beautiful city by day & so very pretty at night………

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