Sunday, April 19, 2009

A Saturday afternoon in Brizzy City.

After a meal & a beer at O’Malley’s we went & did a spot of shopping, Marty found me the coolest black dress on sale at Myer’s, almost half price!!! Great spotting Marty………….

The City is so interesting & entertaining. There are many street performers – bah-ha-ha check out me & the Charlie Chappy!

So happens that this Saturday Allen’s Confectionery were filming an add in the city & they had a ginormous Puppet doll with eyes that moved & they had a heap of enthusiastic children jumping for lollies in a lolly scramble. Funny thing was that they had to do take after take & the lollies (not all wrapped in paper) were picked up off the ground & thrown again, & again, & again?!!!

Ferry ride home in the evening.
Brisbane in a beautiful city by day & so very pretty at night………

Kiwi Band Kora in OZ

April the 13th we rocked out to Kora (My favorite Kiwi band) for the 4th time. They played at the Coolangatta Hotel, Love these guys. (So can't wait for the new album)....... OMG we slept the night in the car & swam in the ocean before breakfast.
Some of us will just never grow up?!!!