Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Spit

Sorry it’s been a couple of weeks since my last entry. Life has slipped into some kind of normality, whatever that is? (Mental Note….must NOT let that happen!!!).

So I thought I would tell you about ‘The Spit” This is where Marty goes to fish - not that he’s ever caught anything worth mentioning there. However it’s a great place to sit & watch the world go by. – Jet Ski’s racing backwards & forwards & boats everywhere. Some very big & expensive. These boats are nearly always full of people. I can’t help but think about the passengers on these boats & wonder how many of them are genuine friends of the owner and how many are friends just for notoriety?
Or maybe these boats are hired & my mind is just evil???
And just when you are lost in thought of the lives of others a commercial Jet boat speeds buy full of passengers looking for a thrill.

Most times I take a book to The Spit & sit on a rock to read, occasionally distracted by what’s happening on the water, all the while Marty attempts to catch fish! (Marty really misses the fishing in New Zealand)

On this particular day that I took pictures at The Spit, it poured with rain on the way in. We drove right through it, Yay……., but it followed us & we sat in the car waiting for the rain to pass. So much for bringing the camera I thought?
It did pass & Marty baited up his fishing rod & threw it out. (We should have gone home when we first sighted the rain?). He got attacked by insect’s but insisted rather than leaving we should move….. so we moved...... & he baited up his fishing rod & threw it out. Now the tide is moving too fast, OMG can’t bloody win!!!
(I must be quick)…… click click click……time to go home!!!!!!!!!

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