Thursday, December 18, 2008

Seaworld (OMG Kiwi Tourists)

Marty took me to Seaworld on Monday. What a lovely surprise. (So much for the job hunting?) We now have passes to go to Seaworld, Movieworld & Waterworld valid for 14 days so next weekend will be full of activity. Marty made me go on water rides that I hated, well actually they were fine until they headed downhill at speed, at which point I screamed my lungs out REALLY LOUD!!! - I really don’t like that feeling of losing your stomach. So by the time he wanted to go on the Roller Coaster the answer was a definite NO! (I had had enough adrenaline rushing for one day!) The best shows (in my opinion) were the Seals & the Dolphins. The Seal show was awesome; they are such characters, & we got more than a few laughs along with lots of ‘Awwww’ (too Cute!!!) The Dolphins of course just have you in awe. You can’t help but feel emotional when in their presence. But now, do I swim with the Seals or the Dolphins???

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