Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas Day

Christmas Day was not what I expected. Jo rang to say we could meet for Christmas lunch so we headed off for the Casino & had a lovely lunch. We ordered some ‘Kick Arse’ cocktails. Jo didn’t like hers so I drank both……..that started what turned out to be a rather drunk Christmas afternoon with Jo & her friends. We had given Jo some awesome speakers for her Laptop (Like us she loves her music) we set them all up & she then danced in her room to her ‘sounds’. She loved it so much she wouldn’t let one song play all the way through; we all had a good laugh at her silliness……

Movieworld – (Not for us!!!)

Movieworld – (Not for us!!!) was such a disappointment!!! Marty had been there 15 years ago & most of the attractions that he had seen were closed down??? We went to a 3D Shriek Movie – now that was cool!!! Fairies flying at you, getting sprayed with water at the appropriate times & even a spider tickling the back of your legs, along with moving seats and wind at the back of your neck. Lot’s of oooooh & ahhh, & lots of smiles & laughs..........After that we should have left but it’s a lot of money to pay to see only one attraction. So we spotted an open bus heading off to a farm & sheep sharing show……….somehow I got picked to go on stage?!!!! We headed back to Movieworld, Marty went on a couple of rides while I took photos & then we left…….We found a nice bar down by the water & had a very pleasant lunch & a cold beer to console our disappointment

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Seaworld (OMG Kiwi Tourists)

Marty took me to Seaworld on Monday. What a lovely surprise. (So much for the job hunting?) We now have passes to go to Seaworld, Movieworld & Waterworld valid for 14 days so next weekend will be full of activity. Marty made me go on water rides that I hated, well actually they were fine until they headed downhill at speed, at which point I screamed my lungs out REALLY LOUD!!! - I really don’t like that feeling of losing your stomach. So by the time he wanted to go on the Roller Coaster the answer was a definite NO! (I had had enough adrenaline rushing for one day!) The best shows (in my opinion) were the Seals & the Dolphins. The Seal show was awesome; they are such characters, & we got more than a few laughs along with lots of ‘Awwww’ (too Cute!!!) The Dolphins of course just have you in awe. You can’t help but feel emotional when in their presence. But now, do I swim with the Seals or the Dolphins???

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Lianne's made it to the Gold Coast

Leaving New Zealand was filled with excitement along with sadness. My poor baby girl EJ cried at the airport & I cried on the plane for the next two hours. Thank God I wasn’t sitting next to anyone!
Meeting Marty at the airport was a lovely place of comfort, it felt like we had never been apart…… We went straight from the airport & caught Jo walking to work. I jumped out of the car & walked back down the road to give her a hug. How wonderful to see my beautiful daughter after so long.

The first week I was here, Marty had booked us into an apartment in one of the high rise buildings along Surfers Paradise with views to die for.
We went to the markets the first weekend; I spent too much money as expected & was in my element. Man I just love markets!!!

The second night we went into town to check out the night life. Talk about lousy timing, ‘Schoolies’ was on & the place was packed with young people. (It’s just like ‘O’ week at home) I must say though, they were all really friendly & just out to have a good time. Every now & then you would see one that was a little under the weather!
Marty & I got turned away from the first bar we attempted to go in because of my tattoos. I must say I was a little shocked; you don’t get that at home? (Didn’t really want to go in there anyway!!!) The next bar was called the Beer Garden, it was a good choice & we settled there for the night. They had a great band & we danced the night away till closing.

Marty has found us a really lovely little apartment. It is only one bedroom, but let’s face it, that’s all we need. It is in a block of 30. The building is 3 stories high & we are on the 3rd floor. It is Spanish style on the outside & has a barbeque area for the residents & a swimming pool which I use most days. The apartment is fully furnished & the rent is only $250 a week. We had to buy our own linen & kitchen items, but man it is soooo cheap over here to set up house. A dinner set for $8.99, a set of sheets for $22.00. I tell you we were all set up for just over $200!!!
It is a 5min walk around the corner to Australia Fair shopping centre, which is so big there is no need to go into Surfers. However, it is only a short distance over the bridge to Surfers & I can walk there too. It takes me 15min to walk over the bridge to visit with Jo.

We purchased a car the first week I was here, which is just as well. You should have seen what Marty was driving. A red 1994 Holden, not road legal, bottoms out over every bump you hit & the rear tyres were bald. Oh & the Air con didn’t work!!!
So, we have purchased a 1999 Black Mitsi Magna Station wagon ($2000, so there are some bargains to be found here), it’s a bit rough around the edges like it owners, but man it can get up & boogie. 3.5 manual (still a petrol head!) one could get into trouble. & the Air Con works YAY!
I have driven to just outside Brisbane 3 times. The first time I had to go pick Marty up. I got lost & he had to instruct me by phone how to get back to him, but I can safely tell you I won’t do that again. What a nightmare in rush hour traffic!!! The motorways are busy like Auckland only they are 4 lanes wide each way! I am getting used it now & it no longer terrifies me!!!

I have not seen any creepy crawlies. The only snakes I have seen are the ones caged at Marty’s cousins. Oh & Jo has a spider at the back of her house that is quite a good size but as far as I know it is harmless. The one thing that is different, just on dusk you will see bats flying around the sky, it’s kind of cool.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Marty is in OZ

Marty has gone ahead of me to Brisbane & is staying at the cousins. They have 2 pet snakes & a puppy! Marty has been there a month now, I will be joining him at the end of November. Jo is also going to be joining us YAY!!!