Thursday, January 26, 2012

First Visit back to Brisvegas Nov 2011

The one thing that has surprised me along our journey is that you don’t have to know some people for long to have a real connection with them & I am forever grateful for social networking & e-mail.

Catching up with old friends
So using social networking a catch up was        organised for my first visit back after moving to Nelson Bay.  I was counting down the sleeps till I was on a plane back to Brisbane......
I enjoyed my visit back so much, going to my favourite shops, particularly Dogstar. Staying at both my daughter’s home with my Granddaughter & their flatmates was kind of special.... The kids, their flatmate & friends all came into my room one by one, sometimes in pairs for a chat. The conversations were really interesting & also informative..... My Granddaughter & I really enjoyed our time together.  My youngest daughter had just turned 21; it was so nice to be able to give her presents in person Being there was frigin AWESOME ;-)" Thanks to you all for having me.
Before the concert
I also got to attend Charlie’s Childcare Christmas Party. Aunty works at the Childcare Centre that Charlie attends so I it was a double whammy for me getting to watch them both perform.  Once Charlie’s class had finished performing, Charlie continued to entertain us by being very cute dancing in the alley between the chairs.
Coming home Airport security found a pocket knife that I had lost weeks ago..... Now lost forever damn it...!!!
I was even offered a job back in Brisbane while I was there...... believe me I was very tempted.......