Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Climbing the Story Bridge & Playing at Alma Park Zoo

My daughter EJ came to visit for a couple of days..... 
While I was waiting for her to wake up I made a decision to book a climb up the Story Bridge... (That should learn her for sleeping in...!!!) So how lucky was I, we got the last two places for the twilight climb. I thought the height would bother me, but it did not & we were blessed with clear skies & the most  wonderful sunset.....  

So in order to keep the balance my eldest daughter Jo wanted me to take her & my Granddaughter Charlie to the Zoo....  Sunday we packed the day pack & headed off excited about Charlies first visit to a Zoo & our animal encounters that we had planned photo’s with.
Alma Park Zoo is a lovely, Lush, green setting & Charlie had a wonderful day enjoying the animals & running around the parkland - & me.. welI I got to hold a baby fresh water croc.....!!!