Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Night Kayaking on the Brizzy River

Trust us to pick the night that earth hour is on?!!!

Elliot, my friend Julie’s brother from New Zealand who had only flown in the day before joined us for the evening………. It’s a quick tutorial, grab a paddle & up the river we go……..

So Marty thinks it’s funny to wet me using his paddle, no retaliation from me, I know better……….
A little later on he decides to kayak over by me getting a little too close, more fool him – I accidentally whack him in head with my paddle, - bahahahaha pay-back’s, bitch, thank you lady karma!!!!!

After kayaking up the river, under the Story Bridge & past all the lovely expensive boats, Riverlife put on a BBQ & beer for us. Then home for a quick change of clothes ready for a fun night in the city. Elliot sang & danced the night away with us till the band finished & the bar was closed…….
It was an Epic night out

Friday, April 2, 2010

YAY Anja came to visit……

Just happened to be the same weekend Marty & I went Stradbroke Island.

Marty & EJ went to the airport to collect our dear friend Anja, Jo & EJ were just delighted to see her & we stayed up late talking.
The next morning Marty & I got up early to attend our friends wedding on Stradbroke Island, returning home early the next day so we too could spend some time with Anja.

We headed to the fashion designer market that is held once a month at Southbank. This turned out to be an all day event as there was sooooo much to look at & we are sure Anja spoke to every stall holder, needless to say a fabulous day with some groovy items purchased……..

Late afternoon & we are finally on the ferry heading to our favorite ice-cream shop at Brett’s Wharf, hmmmm yummmmm.