Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Jo & her ‘Tummy’ Visit Brisbane

Jo had to get her butt outta bed early to catch the train to visit me on Tuesday…….

I met her at the train station & we walked down to the river & grabbed ‘Mickey D’s’ for breakfast, along with a ‘yummy as’ coffee We sat in the warm Queensland sun talking shit & enjoying being together. (yeah yeah we know, not a very good diet for an expecting Mum, but we can’t be good all the time, & she has been really looking after herself)

Once finished we jumped on the ferry & headed off to our apartment where Jo had a ball raiding my wardrobe taking most of the clothing I had in my throw out pile, along with the usual amount a Jewellery that leaves my home when my darling girls come to visit.

We got some great shots of Jo & her baby tum-tum (Added that bit just for you Brooke - Dad)

Our Grandbaby is due in January……