Tuesday, June 9, 2009

EJ visits Brisbane.

After dinner at Westend - Beam me up Scotty!!! & EJ's new tat, Butterfly is carrying a Pohutukawa Flower

Bisbane Eye

Dracula's & Surfer's in the Wee small hours of the morning.

Lunch Time & Photo from the Haunted House, Hahaha check out EJ's face!

Having EJ come & stay was better than Christmas……….

The Tuesday EJ arrived Marty & I caught the train to meet her at the airport, man you would have thought the airport was the train station, there is a bloke asleep in a chair & he was bringing the house down with his snoring!!!!!!!! (Another damn Kiwi?!!!)

We got on the train back to the city for a spot of shopping. Talk about break the bank, man us girls can shop?!!!
1 o’clock had EJ as nervous as hell as we had booked her in for her first real tattoo (we will not discuss the 2 that she had done herself…..hummm one of them has Jo’s name glowing under the lights in the night clubs!!!!)

That evening we drove EJ to Surfers to stay with her sister but that didn’t work out as planned & EJ was back on the Train the next day having to find her way in strange place all on her own. (She will be a seasoned traveler by the time she gets back to NZ?!!!)

Friday night we caught the Ferry to Southbank & went up in the Brisbane Eye & then into Westend for a yummy Turkish Dinner.

Saturday, ‘shop till ya drop’ at Harbour Town, ‘Bargains Galore’ & then a FUN night out at Dracula’s.
Dracula’s is awesome but bring ya gold cause that’s what it costs, $198 just in drinks for the 3 of us!!! But you should have seen the drinks Marty was buying us. Marty ordered a bowl, & I mean a BOWL of god knows what, I took one look at it & thought OMG we will never finish that?!!! But of course we did & then Marty ordered 3 Grave Yardy’s, they were soooooo yum. So by the time we left we were well primed for clubbing in Surfers & meeting random’s at The Beer Garden.

On EJ’s last day, we caught the train to Surfers to spend some time with Jo. EJ had loaded some music on her new phone & we were ‘Rockstars’ the whole way on the train & bus. (Those poor passengers having to listen to our singing for the whole journey?!!!) EJ, Jo & I had lunch together at Chevron Renaissance & then went back to Jo’s to chill before EJ & I went back into Surfers to visit the ‘Haunted House’.
EJ was such a ‘scaredy-cat’ making me go though all the doors of darkness first……..whooooo hahaha

♪♫♪…So what, I’m still a Rockstar ♪♫♪