Thursday, May 21, 2009

A Sunny Day at Southbank

Views from Apartment

Birds (Ibis) at lunch

Southbank & photo from Rickshaw Ride

Cheesy Tourist shots.....Me with Didgeridoo Guy

Brisbane Eye I'm cool with it!!!

Pic's from being up in the Eye. Check out the 'phallic symbol' in the background, Marty helped make the top of it.......

Well I have been out of New Zealand for 6 months now, am not homesick yet…...I actually feel some disappointment at not being homesick!!!?
Where we are staying is pretty awesome, It is fully serviced, so no more housework for this girl, they clean my bathroom, change the sheets & give us fresh towels once a week, (yes I know your jealous, I would be too!!!). We have river views & it’s only a 10 minute ride on the ferry to the city. Oh & it’s been over a month since I drove a car!!!!

Have to tell you about Marty & the Asian Student at the Laundromat. I don’t know what kind of washing machines they have in other parts of the world but clearly they are more sophisticated than the ones we have here…….She had put her money in the correct place, tipped her washing into the machine, closed the lid, stood back & with arm movements commanded ‘WASH,WASH”????????????? Poor girl, how Marty contained his laughter I will never know, he politely showed her to spread her washing evenly in the machine, to use laundry powder & which BUTTON to push!!! Hellooooo!!!!!!!!! I want a voice controlled washing machine……….

Last weekend the weather was awesome, (unlike this week where a lot of the area around us is flooded!!!!) We caught a Ferry to Southbank & Marty & I went up in the Brisbane Eye……. Oh the fear……the sweaty palms, oh the anticipation…….I’ll be OK, I’ll be OK………

Well I was OK; it’s not that different from going on a gondola Duhhhh I’ve done that before?!!!!!! So, all is good until it has to stop to let other people get on or off…….can you believe the bloody thing stopped with us (I really mean me cause Marty just thinks it’s funny) right at the very top……………. TYPICAL!!!

Great; been there done that, now I’m ready for the London eye!!!!!!!!

We went to the Southbank Markets, ate lunch & watched the birds , had a tourist photo with ‘Didgeridoo guy’, then caught a Rickshaw over there river into the city. The young guy riding charges an extra $5 to take you to town cause its uphill most of the way!